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About me:
As a designer I've seen both good and bad designs. I've watched how people react to both, I've seen how the right design can transform an idea from good to great, and I've seen how a bad design can result in ruin.  Many people have the idea that having a designer is too expensive, and they suffer from poor misguided design.  Good design is not just for a few.  One does not need to settle for whatever the neighbors kid can create with paintshop.  Good design breathes with a life and passion of its own!

About DominoGraphics
I've named my studio after my rabbit Domino.  My daughter found or should I say Domino found my daughter one day about six years ago when he literally hopped inside the house. Since that time he has been my muse. Always sitting next to me  or under my chair when he isn't exploring.  Over the years his companionship has kept me going in good and bad times.

About Design
It's a simple philosophy and one that works.
The best design is the one that gets the message across the best.
Thats the mission to communicate clearly and effectivly.


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